Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

text analysis for spoof text 2

Orientation       : james and john are lunatic asylum occupant and they got into the same cell.
Event                 : John jumped into the pool eventhough he cant swim, and then James followed                               to save him.
Twist                  : James hung  John to dry him up


                James and john are lunatic asylum occupant. They went to lunatic asylum in the same time so they get to the same cell. And that's why they're becoming best friend. 
                At a free time, they were having a engrossing conversation beside the pool. It was pretty hot that day.  Seeing their friend swimming. Cursory, John would go for a swim too. But he forgot that he cant swim. Without a second thought, he jumped into the pool. James followed john to jump to save his best friend. 
                After listened to that story from the nurse, the doctor who handle both of them thinks he have to send james down.  Because, james' psychological condition has improved and getting back to the society is a good option. 
When Doctor called james and asked, 
Doctor                 : The nurse said that you saved John
James                   : Yes, I did  
Doctor                 : And where's john? 
James pulled doctor's sleeve to the yard  and says, "I hang john so he can quickly dry" 

Text analysis for breakfast text
                Mom is having her birthday, and her sons obeyed her to not to get out of bed
                The sons are making their breakfast in the kitchen
                The sons are not making the breakfast for their mom, while mom’s thinking the opposite way

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012



There was a place who lived by a widow and her two sons. One morning, mom is having her birthday.
Son1,2 : Happy birthday mom!!!
Mom     : Oh sons, thank you so much
Son 1     : Mom, because today is your birthday, please don’t get out of bed, just continue your rest.
Mom     : Are you serious??
Son 2     : Yes mom, please!!!
Pleasantly, she obeyed the son’s command. There she is staying still in her bed. Meanwhile, she smelled an omelet and bacon from the kitchen. Mom thinked her sons are making her breakfast.
             Once it is done, the sons called their mom to go downstairs
             Son 1     : Come down mom! Look what we have here.
When mom is walking down the stairs, she saw both of her sons are seating nicely in front of the dining table and there are a well served omelet and bacon in front of them.
             Mom     : Oh, how nice of you, thank you sons, today I be a happiest mother in this world
             Son1      : “Well its not for you mom. It’s a surprise actually, that we’re making our self a breakfast this morning”.